Hey guys! Welcome to my very first blog post ever on my website! Yay! Thanks for sticking around this long and helping my business evolve.
I figured perhaps its time you guys get to know a little something about me. I am currently working two jobs! My knitting has been put a bit on the back burner, and it makes me so sad. This season is a huge one for my knitting though, so I am hoping to dedicate more time to it.
I am from small town Alberta, from Irricana to Didsbury to Castor, and now settling down in Airdrie. Growing up around here has always helped my appreciation for warm clothing. My never ending pile of toques keeps me warm during our never ending Alberta winters.
My grandma taught me how to knit when I was 18! I can not even remember what motivated me to ask her to teach me, but she did and I've been hooked ever since. ( That could have been a hilarious crocheting joke, but I still haven't quite figured out how to crochet yet. ) Needless to say my Grandma is kind of my knitting Guru, I often go to her for advice or project planning. My Grandma learned how to knit at 7!! and has kept up this whole time. She is currently in a knitting club in her small town, so sometimes she adds things to my market tables. My mom also knits, however she just doesn't have the time to do so lately. She is seriously my biggest customer though! Between ordering one of everything in each colour, I also gift her an awful lot of knit goods. So if you happen to see my mom at a hockey game, take a peek and see if you can figure out which one of her items I knit. ;)
I have THREE brothers! Who are all truly knit-worthy. I have always been close with all of my brothers and its been so much fun watching them grow up, especially over these last couple years with kids and college and the trades. This last year I spent a bunch of time making them all sweaters! Which was quite the feat, and I think they all truly appreciate them. They all get great use out of the items I have knit them, well other than the middle one who probably has everything lost in the bottom of a laundry mountain, haha, but at least I know he appreciates them. One of my brothers, and his wife, have a handful of tiny humans who are seriously just the best to knit for! Aunty Kelsey loves knitting for them whenever I can!
My husband is my #1 fan, he's probably the most encouraging (and enabling) guy around! He looks at me like I am a magician when I am knitting. <3 He's also the one who rolls ALL my yarn into balls for me! Which gives me so much more time to focus on knitting! He also wears all my experiments, everything I knit that I don't quite love.. that goes into his ice fishing gear. :D My kiddo is pretty knit-worthy, he's gone as far as to request items in certain colours! We don't get to see him too much these days as he's currently attending Bow Valley College in Calgary.
I have a Yellow Lab (Hailey) and an Orange Tabby (Dennis). Hailey doesn't wear knits too well.. but Dennis loves his toque. I also make quite a few cat nip toys for him. Typically I will have both available at markets, because what cat doesn't deserve to look like a little bad ass?
Ok, so that's a quick look at the people who help shape me, and my business now to get to me. There's not too much to know about me. I am a horror fan, my 'Halloween' ringtone often catches people off guard resulting in me getting all sorts of weird looks. LOL. If I am home alone, I am typically watching some sort of B movie, or a cult classic. I used to listen to more rock, metal and punk.. however I have a huge soft spot for Swing music. I also love to read, I have figured out how to read off the kindle app and knit at the same time! It makes things so much easier. I read a lot of true crime or strange fictions by Chuck Palahniuk, or Anne rice; although with Kindle Unlimited I seem to read a lot more romance type fiction.
We spend a lot of our summer camping, which is when I knit my best toques! I also spend an awful lot of time on my custom painted Ninja Turtle quad. Being outdoors is super grounding for me, and helps me to rekindle any sort of joys I have in my life. I love knitting by the fire, or while sitting on the edge of some sort of body of water while my husband fishes.
Any way, now you guys know a little more about me. Please come say hi next time you see me at a market! I will likely be the one with the goofy grin!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!